Protest Against OCDSB Elementary Program Review

Join the protest on the changes proposed in the OCDSB Elementary Program Review at OCDSB administrative building on 133 Greenbank Road

Friday, March 14, 2025 at 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT

Say “no” to Ottawa Carleton District School Board’s Elementary Program Review

The OCDSB has a proposal to radically redraw our school boundaries, end specialized learning for kids in need, and make it more difficult for many families to access French education.
These changes will harm kids, hurt families, and break communities instead of building them.

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Bad for kids
Bad for families.
Bad for our communities.

The changes to Ottawa schools proposed by OCDSB staff are cruel, unfair and illogical. They will hurt our kids, cause stress for parents, and make our communities worse off.


These proposed changes were created without day-to-day realities taken into consideration. 

Here are a few of the ways in which the new boundaries will hurt our kids and communities:


Force Siblings to Attend Separate Schools.

This will deprive our kids of the support of having a sibling at their school.

Create Logistical & Quality of Life Challenges.

There are far too many cases that will see kids and parents walking or driving significantly farther distances to get to school. Instead of walking or biking around the corner. Raising safety issues, as well as creating needless stress for families during their morning routines.

Negative Emotional and Social Impact.

Changing schools can be an unsettling experience for young children, potentially affecting their emotional well-being and social development. The loss of established friendships and familiar routines may lead to increased anxiety and hinder their academic progress.


Loss of Community Engagement.

The involvement in current school communities has, for many families, fostered a strong support network. Forcing families to leave disrupts these connections and diminishes parental engagement that benefits students and the broader school community and neighbourhood.

Dismantling Alternative Schools.

This plan closes Alternative Schools with inadequate transition time. These children have built meaningful relationships and support systems in these environments that cannot be rebuilt overnight. These schools provide important educational approaches that work for many students who struggle in conventional settings.

Eliminating Specialized Programs.

This proposal would end 39 specialized program classes, forcing vulnerable students to integrate into regular classroom settings. These programs provide essential services for children with very unique and specific needs. Dismantling them would cause significant educational and emotional setbacks for these students and their families.


Weakening of French Immersion

The proposed new plan aims to offer French Immersion (FI) across Ottawa. What this will mean is a watering down of French instruction; from 80% of time to 60% of time in grade 1, and a precipitous decline onwards. All the research tells us that true immersion requires the current standard students and teachers are used to. OCDSB’s proposed changes will force already under-resourced teachers to water down their in-class instruction and set all students up to fail as a result.


Time is running out to act!

OCDSB allege they have conducted community consultations starting in the spring of 2024. There is no evidence of any meaningful or comprehensive way to engage parents on these serious and harmful proposals. Had there been, the outpouring of frustration and criticism would have been heard much, much earlier in this process.

Now Ottawa families find themselves in an accelerated timeline that will see a short window to make your voice heard. There is precious little time to act in order to see this proposal rejected, and see OCDSB return to the drawing board with meaningful parent and community input.

Timeline of Proposed Changes:


How you can help!

There are a number of things concerned parents and members of our community can do to help!

  • Complete the OCDSB survey and share your concerns:
  • Sign our petition on
  • Share your feedback through our concerned parents led impact survey
  • Reach out to local journalists at CBC, CTV, Rogers, CFRA and the Ottawa Citizen
  • Send the customizable form letter to key stakeholders using the form on this page!

This letter is editable so you can add your own personal story to it. It will be sent to the following recipients: OCDSB Director of Education Pino Buffone; *all* OCDSB elected Trustees; Ontario’s Minister of Education Jill Dunlop; as well as your local Member of Parliament, Member of Provincial Parliament and Ottawa City Councillor.